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The Manager

The Durham County Court

Hallgarth Street

Durham City. To Be Published For and In The General Public Interest.

My Ref. MK/JU/7004. 16th September 2002.

Dear Sir

It is several weeks ago since you informed me by letter that you had referred my cases to the Court Service. Nothing whatsoever has been received by me from them on the matters of crime reported to you that has been used against me at the Durham and indeed Newcastle County Courts. I have asked you a number of questions that only you can answer but again I have not received a reply from you about them. You are aware that the crime I have reported to you as the manager of the Durham County Court continues to cause me considerable damage. Crime is serious enough, but when that crime is carried out by judges at that court, backed up by indisputable evidence of it, and is then protected by others, including the police, then we have an even more serious matter.

You must know by now that I wont give way to the judicial crimes used at your court that I made you aware of in the early party of this year? I have asked you what you did when I made you aware of that very serious crime and made a claim from your court regarding it. You appear not to have done anything. You have not even replied to my question on the matter asking you in a letter what you did about it when I made you aware of it? Are you playing a part in the attempted cover up of this crime? Do you accept that as a public servant I have a right to the to answers to the questions that I have asked of you? As the matters concern crime, especially judicial crime carried out by those I have named in my correspondence to you, have you reported it to the police as your duty requires of you? Can you offer an explanation as to the statement made to me by Inspector Gibson of Durham Constabulary that when a judge lies it is a judicial decision and is therefore protected? Do you accept the statement that I refer to made to me by Inspector Gibson?

The crime of misconduct while holding public office is clearly involved here. It is one of the least crimes involved here that you must now be aware of as you have legal qualifications in the matters that were referred to you earlier this year. Such crime carries with it a possible prison sentence of up to seven years. Your legal qualifications of course are required for the public position that you hold so I cannot think that you are ignorant of the law regarding this matter?

It is not my intention to make life difficult for you. All that I have required of you is to carry out your public duty as manager of the Durham County Court. Facts suggest that you have not done that. Can you show otherwise?

This matter will not go away by taking part in the wall of silence that is clearly attempting to hide the crimes used at the above mentioned courts that you have been made aware of. Do you intend to answer the questions that I have put in my correspondence with you?

I look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely

Mr Maurice Kellett

16A The Lyons


Tyne-Wear DH5 0HT.